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时间:2016-07-18  来源:管理员

紫 境
尊贵之紫 原生之境 天赐甘醇
高原奇珍 生命力极强 花青素之王 限量出品 纯手工采摘






原花青素,英文名:Oligomeric ProanthoCyanidins,(OPC),是一种有特殊分子结构的生物类黄酮,是目前国际上公认的清除人体自由基最有效的天然抗氧化剂。一般为红棕色粉末,气微、味涩、容于水和大多数有机溶剂。一般为葡萄籽提取物或法国海岸松树皮提取物。

花青素具有抗癌防癌功效,癌症也是因自由基毁坏遗传物质(DNA) 而导致的。借着保护遗传物质,花青素(Anthocyanosides) 将能间接的保护我们对抗癌症。虽然是长期的,但是花青素(Anthocyanosides)确有间接的保护作用。而花青素(Anthocyanosides)清除自由基的功效,亦可让癌细胞无法顺利扩散,借此保护更多健康的细胞免于被癌细胞侵蚀。另一方面有些癌症透过溶解组织和细胞的物质形成肿瘤,这些癌细胞产生溶解?和蛋白?,而花青素(Anthocyanosides)能保护蛋白质不受蛋白?的影响。



2.生长环境: 生长在海拔2700—3000米的盆地沙漠地带。气候干旱、空气干燥稀薄,降水量少、生态环境洁净、无污染,日照充足,昼夜温差普遍在20至80摄氏度,年蒸发量水量为降水量的近十倍。空气相对湿度为39%,土壤水含量在百分之0.3至3之间。




黑枸杞别名苏杞、柴杞,黑果枸杞。拉丁名:Lycium Ruthenicum Murr,茄科(Solanaceae),枸杞属(Lycium)。黑枸杞为多刺野生小灌木,高50cm以下。



























● 自然晾晒风干:采摘过的黑枸杞在24小时内脱水可达90%以上,保证了黑枸的品质和稳定性。
● 抽样检测/筛选杂物:纯手工筛选,保证了每颗黑枸杞都是精品,人工筛选分级、包装。
● 成品黑枸杞:冲泡后的黑枸杞,色泽或像蓝宝石般晶莹剔透;或如紫色水晶神秘清澈。



Realm in Tranquility --- The Realm of Life

Purple Realm
Luxurious Purple ? Natural Tranquility ? Mellow Taste
Treasure of the Plateau ? Strong Vitality ? King of Anthocyanosides ? Limited Production ? Handpicked
(Complementary en-route scenery cards featuring western region landscapes)

Page I
Oligomeric Proantho Cyanidins (OPC) is a type of biotype flavone with a special molecular structure and is globally recognized as the most effective natural antioxidant for eliminating free radicals in the human body. It usually appears as reddish brown powder with faint smell and astringent taste, and is soluble in water as well as most organic solvents. OPC usually extracted from grape seeds or French coastal pine bark.
Anthocyanosides is a natural anti-carcinogen and proven to effectively prevent cancer. As cancers are caused by radical-damaging DNAs, the radical-eliminating properties of Anthocyanosides can effectively prevent the spread of tumor cells and build a “protective shield” for healthy, uninfected cells. Another way that cancerous tumors form is by generating resolvase and protease that dissolve the structure of organs and healthy cells. Anthocyanosides can protect proteins in the human body from being dissolved by tumor-generated resolvase and protease, therefore preventing the spread of cancer.

Anthocyanosides---Nature’s way of eliminating free radicals
Free radicals are the harmful compound generated from oxidative reactions of organic compounds in the human body. They are highly oxidizing and could damage cells and organs, leading to chronic diseases and accelerated aging. OPC is known as the natural eliminator of free radicals because of its effectiveness in removing free radicals from the human body, decelerating the aging of cells, quickly restoring body functions and vitality, and prolonging longevity. Compared with VE, the ability of lycopene (ß-carotene) in eliminating free radicals is 100 times of that of VE. The ability of OPC in clearing away free radicals is only 50 times of that of VE. However, the radical-eliminating ability of the most powerful antioxidant, Anthocyanosides, is 1000 times of that of VE. Currently, black goji berries are found to contain the highest level of OPC---18 times that of natural blueberries, and is regarded as the most effective antioxidant in nature. When the human body is in lack of antioxidants, oxidation-reduction reactions would cause a variety of diseases clinically termed “albinism”, currently to which there is not a common medicinal cure. Glycoside-active substances such as OPC and Anthocyanosides are currently found to be the most powerful antioxidant, with optimized reactivity in the human body that achieves effects such as maximized blood concentration, 7-hour metabolic half-life, increased hemoglobin concentration and oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, and is able to significantly relive various symptoms resulting from deficiency of blood oxygen.  They are also known for significant immunity-boosting capabilities and are aptly regarded as the “treasure at great heights”.

Page II

Goji berries have been favored and used by people for more than 3000 years, as recorded in The Book of Songs referencing a common activity of “climbing the mountains to pick goji berries”. The effect of goji berries in prolonging longevity is recorded in Taiping Royal Prescriptions compiled by the Imperial Medical Academy of the Northern Song Dynasty. The reference in here to goji berries’ effect on “achieving immortality” is origin to the later legend The Immortal’s Way of Taking Goji Berries. Goji berries are also a precious ingredient used in Eastern Medicine to promote health and longevity since historic times.
To further support goji berries’ health benefits, the historically renowned medicinal masterpiece Compendium of Materia Medica notes, “Lycium barbarum [goji berries] reinforces the kidney, generates vital essence, nourishes the liver… improves eyesight, soothes the nerves and prolongs life.” In addition, an interesting story revolving goji berries that was recorded in the Sequel of the Tales of Immortals reads: a passer-by saw a lady beating an old man in anger and thus asked her why she was beating the old man. The lady replied, “He is my great-grandson. I beat him because he doesn’t listen to me and won’t take the medicine.” The passerby was shocked and asked about her age. The lady replied, “I’m 372 years old.” As it was a miracle that she looked like a young lady even at such an advanced age, the passerby couldn’t help but ask her about the way of preserving health and the medicine that should be taken. The lady replied, “There is only one medicine, but it has five names. It is known as wolfberry during spring, goji berries during summer, root skin during fall and henon bamboo during winter. Ingesting its fruit throughout the four seasons will prolong life to that of heaven and earth.” 

Page III

The Natural Habitat of Lycium Ruthenicum (Black Goji Berries)
1. Producing Area: Lycium ruthenicum (or black goji berries) typically grow in severe, high-altitude environments such as mountains, forests, salted deserts, alongside rivers and on dry riverbeds in the Tibetan Plateau. It is a desert medicinal plant and a treasure exclusive to the western regions of China. The Nonhom region of the Tibetan Plateau in western China has been proven as the most concentrated and best production area for Lycium Ruthenicum.

2. Growing Environment: Lycium ruthenicum typically grows in basin deserts located 2700-3000 meters above sea level, where dry climate, thin air, little precipitation, ample sunlight and no pollution characterize the natural ecological environment.
In these environments, the temperature difference between day and night can range from 20 to 80 degrees Celsius, and the annual water evaporation capacity is nearly ten times its precipitation; the relative air humidity is generally around 39%, and soil water content ranges between 0.3% and 3%.
3. Yield: Under the severe growing conditions and the small proportion of fruits that can be used for ingestion*, lycium ruthenicum is commonly regarded as a rare and precious resource.

*Note: one in ten fruits can be used for ingestion, and only one jin of dried fruit can be made out of ten jin of fresh fruits. (jin is a weight unit used in China)

Page IV

Nutritional Ingredient and Benefit:
Lycium ruthenicum contains more than 100 kinds of nutrition essential for the human body, including protein, fat, 18 types of amino acids, 13 kinds of microelements (e.g. germanium, selenium and ketone), organic acid, mineral substance, reducing sugar, and vitamins C, B1, and B2. Especially notable is the abundant amount of natural 
Anthocyanosides contained in lycium ruthenicum.
Health Benefits:
Lycium ruthenicum is found to be effective in nourishing the kidneys to strengthen core essence, nourishing the liver to improve visual acuity, enriching blood, soothing nerves, generating essence, quenching thirst, moistening the lungs and relieving throat diseases, and delaying aging and boosting immunity. It is referred to as “Pangma” in Tibetan medicine, and characterized as having a sweet flavor and having calming effets; it is commonly used in Tibetan medicine for curing cardiovascular diseases and menopausal irregularities, and recorded in numerous Tibetan medical books such as The Four Medical Tantras and Shel Gong Shel Phreng.

Medicinal Value:
Lycium ruthenicum is effective in curing deficiency of yin-fluid in the liver and kidneys, aching and limping in the waist and knees, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue and throat diseases. It is also notable for improving reproductive deficiencies, cardiovascular diseases, cancer prevention and boosting the immune system. The fruit of lycium ruthenicum has a great number of valuable biological properties, including significantly reducing blood sugar levels in diabetes patients, improving SOD activity levels in the blood and liver, reducing MDA levels in the blood serum and livers, as well as catalyzing the transformation of hepatic glycogen from glucose, therefore relieving symptoms of overeating and weight irregularities in diabetes patients. Meanwhile, the polysaccharide in lycium ruthenicum can not only reduce the level of serum urea ammonia and blood lactic acid, but also significant reduce fatigue.

Three Ways of Protecting the Blood Circulation System:
Preventing the degradation of collagenase and elastase in connective tissues, thereby facilitating the maintenance of skin elasticity and enforcing skin anti-aging effects.
Improving microcirculation in blood capillaries in the retina and peripheral nerves of arms and legs.
Strengthening blood supply to various tissues and organs through maintaining the health of micro blood vessels and improving microcirculation.

Enhancing the Immune System:
Anthocyanosides can prolong the effects of Vitamin C in the human body after ingestion
Anthocyanosides is easily soluble in water and well absorbed after ingestion, with faster and prolonged effects.

Page V

The Key Difference between Lycium Ruthenicum (black goji berries) and the Lycium Chinenses Mill (red goji berries):
Lycium Ruthenicum is also known as Suqi, Chaiqi and black goji berries. Its Latin name is Lycium Ruthenicum Murr. Usually a wild thorny undershrub under 50cm in height, Lycium ruthenicum belongs to the family of Solanaceae and the genus of Lycium.

The key difference between Lycium euthenicum and Lycium Chinenses Mill is the significantly higher nutritional value of Lycium euthenicum compared with Lycium Chinenses Mill.

The table below shows the main nutritional ingredients in Lycium Ruthenicum (LR) and Lycium Chinenses Mill (LCM):
Serial Number Test Item Unit LCM LR

Serial Number

Test Item



















Nicotinic Acid








Page VI

Lycium Ruthenicum---From Gobi Deserts to Finished Product:
The color and shape of the flowers of lycium ruthenicum are noble and elegant, its fruits plump and pure black, with one fruit selected among a hundred producing a rare yield.

Handpicked: Each fruit of lyceum ruthenicum has a natural barrier--its sharp thorns, which makes handpicking difficult and requiring special tools in order to preserve the fruit stem and guarantee the completeness of the fruits and its nutrition.

Naturally Air-dried: Hand-picked lycium ruthenicum can dehydrate as much as 90% within 24 hours, guaranteeing the quality and stability of lyceum ruthenicum.

Sampling Inspection / Screening Procedures: 100% manual inspection, classification and packaging guarantee that every fruit of lycium ruthenicum is of the topmost quality.

Finished Product: Soaked lyceum ruthenicum appear either as crystal clear as sapphire; or as mysterious and clear as amethyst.

Page VII
Natural lycium ruthenicum is of scarce yield by selecting one among a hundred; it contains rich nutritional value and is truly Nature’s gift from the high plateaus with significant health benefits.

Reservation and Consultation Hotline: 010-65699960


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